Nature Program Cheat Sheet

Drop off, pick up & everything in between cheat sheet. 


  • Morning (AM): Monday to Friday, 9:15 am - 11:45 am 

  • Afternoon (PM): Monday to Thursday, 12:30 pm - 3.00 pm 


The Nature Classes are run from Jericho Beach, at the Oak Tree. You can park (this is a paid Parking Lot, monitored by EasyPark) at the East Parking Lot. 

Jericho Beach 
3941 Point Grey Road 
V6R 1B5 

What to wear

  • Please have your child dressed in weather appropriate clothing:

    • Fall: rain pants, rain suit, rain boots, warm socks, warm underlayers, rain mitts, toque or sun hat.

    • Winter: snow or rain pants, winter boots, mitts, toque, warm socks, warm underlayers.

    • Spring/Summer: Sunscreen applied pre-class, sun hat, layers.

    • Tried and tested brands we recommend

What to Pack

  1. A child size backpack fitted with a clip at the front as they are to wear and care for their own backpack.

  2. Hand sanitizer

  3. Wet wipes

  4. Tissues

  5. Filled water bottle

  6. A snack for your child to enjoy at some point during the program (please consider sending containers which are lightweight and your child will eventually be able to open and close independently) 

  7. Rain gear

  8. Winter gear (including gloves, toque and warm boots) 

  9. Extra layers

  10. Sunscreen

  11. Sun hat

  12. We recommend having a full set of extra clothes in your child’s backpack in a ziploc or waterproof bag. Clothes should be seasonally appropriate, including extra underwear and socks. Also, having an extra carrier bag to send any wet, messy, or soiled items home is useful. 

  13. Put a couple of bread bags inside your child’s backpack in case their rain boots get wet inside, we can line them with bread bags and your child can wear them, with fresh & dry socks for the remainder of the program.

Drop Off

  • Teachers will welcome the children at the Oak Tree and often start the class with a story.

  • Parents are welcome to stay for story and offer goodbye hugs before they leave, or just offer goodbye before story begins.

  • Please don’t leave without saying goodbye to your child, let them know you (or whoever is coming to get them) will be back at 11.45  or 3:00 before you say your goodbyes and head off.

  • You are welcome to join the class if your child is having difficulty separating and often leaving while they are having snacks can be easier in this case , we ask that you aim to leave 20 minutes into class. Please talk to your child’s teacher to collaborate and come up with a plan that will set your child up for success if they  continue to have any difficulty.

Pick up

  • Pick up your child at The Oak. It is important that the child knows they must be dismissed by the teacher before they walk to be with their caregiver or parent.

  • If you would like to know how your childs day went the teacher will be more than happy to share and this is also the time when the teacher may approach the parents or caregivers if there were any questions or concerns.

  • If we need to shorten the length of the program we will post an announcement on Procare.

  • If we need you to come and pick up your child early for any reason we will contact you.

Sickness Policy

(Applies to both Indoor and Outdoor Programs)

The sickness policy contained in our Parent Handbook applies across all our programs. 

  • Please note the following pertinent information: 

  • Your child must stay home for 24 hours after a fever has broken

  • Your child must stay home for 48 hours after any vomiting or diarrhea 

  • If your child has a cough or cold they should not return to school until such time as the mucus from their nose runs totally clear for 24 hours. 

  • We understand that coughs linger, in order for a child to return to school the cough must be dry, not wet; and this must be the only residual symptom. I.e. if your child has a runny nose and a cough they are not ready to return to the classroom. 

    Thank you for adhering to these rules in order to keep all the children and the staff in our community safe.